Sunday, April 13, 2008


So as I've posted earlier the team has finally come to get a set roster, things are going well, and the team is looking relatively strong. However, in order to compete nationally, sucessfully atleast, a great team needs great sponsors. Paintball is not cheap and events are extremely expensive. Each event is 1500 dollars just to enter the event, then you need paint which is roughly about a 1000 dollars, hotels and food, thats another 600, and then theres team items such as jerseys, pants, etc. So a good estimate would be around 33oo dollars to compete per event. So far we have picked up 1 solid paint sponsor, Sterling Paintballs, but theres still alot that needs to be done. The team owner and captians are sending out the team resume to all major paintball companies. Hopefully we can find some good sponsors to support All Star Kidz this upcomming season.

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